100 Club

What is the PARC 100 Club?

It’s a lottery club. You buy tickets, which then take part in draws for cash prizes. Around half of the sales proceeds are paid out in prizes and half goes to PARC’s fundraising and boat buying programmes.

How does it work?

It runs on an annual basis (1st April to 31st March). Each ticket costs £10, and is allocated a unique number. All tickets participate equally in a number of prize draws held during the year.

A full copy of the 100 Club Constitution can be read here.

What are the prizes and when are the draws?

There are twelve (nominally) monthly draws for prizes of £5, £10 and £25, with additional prizes at Christmas (value linked to the number of tickets in issue). The draws are held publicly at club events. Although we call the draws “monthly”, in practice they are run to maximise the income and take advantage of convenient club occasions

How do I join?

Fill in an application form (below) or paper copies are available at the boathouse. You will need to pay £10 per ticket up front through:

  • Setting up a Standing Order – this is the ideal way to spread the cost for you and also to make a commitment to supporting the club ongoing by ensuring your tickets are in play year-after-year. You can do this from as little as a quarterly £2.50 SO. Simply contact us using the form on this page and we’ll provide the account details and details on how to set up an SO and then once we confirm the first payment we’ll confirm your ticket numbers.
  • Bank Transfer – as with Standing Order instructions, complete the form here and we’ll send you account details on how to get your tickets setup. Remember, tickets from transfers will only be in play for the year in which the payment is made whereas SO’s ensure the tickets remain in play every year the SO remains in place. 
  • Cash – you can give us cash at any time including club functions when draws are being held. We’ll issue a ticket immediately to include you in the most draws possible. Remember tickets are only “in play” for that year you join.
  • Cheques – cheques should be made payable to Plymouth Amateur Rowing Club. Forms and cheques should be left in the clubhouse for the attention of the Treasurer, or sent to the 100 Club Administrator.

Who supports the PARC 100 Club?

The club is open to club members over the age of 16. With one of the lowest membership fees in the country PARC needs fundraising efforts that can support the club initiatives going forward and see the squad succeed with the best possible equipment. Members often “roll over” winnings into more tickets for more chances in the future and to support the clubs fundraising and it’s hoped the club will grow year-on-year to become a significant ongoing source of funds.

Please complete the application form and click on Send to PARC

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